​Thank you to everyone who has helped to make Term 2 such a wonderful term! Teachers, girls, student leaders and parents have all played a part in bringing enthusiasm, a willingness to get involved and a generosity of spirit to Lowther Hall over the last 10 weeks.

​Today is an exciting day for girls across the School! Girls in Year 9 have returned from their adventures in Central Australia, Years 7 and 8 girls have the final day of their Semester 1 classes before beginning Semester 2 next week, students in Years 10, 11 and 12 have completed their mid-year examinations and most students in Blinkbonnie House and Raymond House are looking forward to their “Disco” which will take place after school today!

We thank our Old Grammarian visitors today, who took part in the Year 11 Leadership Conference! They educated girls about their careers spanning health and medicine, law, finance, performing arts, design, and engineering.

Despite being a “short week” this week, a great deal has happened! I have been impressed with the way girls in Years 10, 11 and 12 have applied themselves to their mid-year examinations and made the most of this opportunity to get feedback about their progress in each of their subjects.

​This week I have been reflecting on excellence, and the value of aspiring to excellence in many different aspects of our lives and our work. On the weekend, I observed excellence in this year’s Senior School Production, Antigone, where girls and staff had invested time and care to ensure that the highest quality of performance was presented to the audience.

​Be inspired by our Class of 2018 student, Maryam! She received a prestigous Premier's VCE Award yesterday for her perfect study score in Psychology. The video below was screened at the ceremony, and showcases Maryam's VCE journey with her Lowther Hall psychology teacher, Miss Sarah Woodhouse. Congratulations, Maryam!

​The colder weather this week has seen staff and students donning scarves and jumpers and appreciating any opportunities to keep warm via various activities. Fortunately, Lowther girls are regularly active, with PE, sport, dance and cocurricular programs affording multiple opportunities each week to get the blood pumping! I am particularly delighted to be finishing the week celebrating with the Senior School Cross Country Team who have been training in the early mornings for the last few months and have represented the School ably in their competitions.

​On Monday this week I attended Lowther Hall’s magnificent Evening of Song at the Melbourne Recital Centre, where I was incredibly proud to hear choral and vocal items presented at a remarkable standard. The variety of musical genres presented, the technical excellence of the choirs and the soloists, but most strikingly, the confidence and joy of the girls, all combined to make a truly memorable evening.