What an amazing start we have had to this very unusual Term 2! Thank you to all the girls, parents and staff who have embraced the new platforms and approaches in our improved and evolving remote learning model.

This week we have: 

  • Implemented the videoconferencing application “ZOOM” across all year levels so that girls have increased face to face contact with their teachers.
  • Introduced the learning platform “SEESAW” in Blinkbonnie House for delivery and submission of student work.
  • Embedded whole class, small group and independent learning routines in Raymond House via ZOOM and WEEBLY.
  • Delivered fully synchronous live classes across the full timetable in Senior School.
  • Commenced an altered timetable in many year levels to provide more opportunities for girls to be physically active during the day.
  • Started phasing in the assembly program with gatherings of nearly 200 girls at a time for these events.
  • Tested the videoconferencing platforms for Learning Conferences across the school with a trial group of parents.
  • Begun planning the implementation of the cocurricular program in Week 3.
  • Consolidated processes for recording absences, following up lateness, supervising girls on site and delivering assessment.

I have commenced meetings with each Year 12 Home Group to hear how they are travelling and to get any feedback about how we can further improve the experience for our most senior girls. I am pleased to report that our VCE students are feeling well supported by their teachers and that they feel they are engaging in productive and worthwhile learning every day. 

Major change such as the one we are experiencing takes time to bed down. We know that there are aspects of the program that still need refinement and we will continue to work on these in the coming days. 

At this point, however, I would like to especially acknowledge our wonderful teachers, most of whom went without a holiday break to ensure they were ready for the term. They are a dedicated bunch whose love for the girls and desire for them to do well and feel supported is palpable. I encourage you to provide positive feedback to any of the teachers who you have seen working effectively with the girls – I cannot begin to describe to you the extra effort they are making at this time, and every little bit of encouragement helps! 

Do continue to look after yourselves, your girls and each other, and continue to let us know if we can help in any way. 

Ms Elisabeth Rhodes