These reflections usually occur when the girls have worked together for some amazing outcome. This week, however, that same feeling was generated by our wonderful parents at the Twilight Festival. If you were in attendance I am sure you will agree that the atmosphere was one of tremendous warmth and enthusiasm where our whole school community came together in an infectious spirit of joyful endeavour and cooperation.
Now of course these events don’t just happen, they involve many hours of dedicated preparation and service both on the day and in the weeks and months leading up to the occasion. I want to thank every school family who participated in the planning, preparation and execution of our superb, inaugural Twilight Festival, particularly those parents who formed the “Festival Committee” and played a leadership role on the night, and those who made generous donations. I want to acknowledge the leadership, vision and generosity of Mrs Ann Cole, who not only initiated the idea but led the team in a perfect balance of passion, excitement and calm resolve to bring us a fantastic evening. There were also many staff who were central to the success of the event, particularly Ms Leah Capuano, her assistant Mrs Jane Cooke and the other members of the administration team, Mr Larry Rouse and the maintenance team, Mr Simon Oldham and the business team and Mrs Katrina Dunn for her invaluable support in promotion of the event, as well as the many members of staff who attended and participated on the night. A special thank you to those who braved the dunk tank! We hope to be able to share with you the final amount raised by the event before the end of the school year. By all accounts it has been a great success and is a fine reflection of the energy and enthusiasm of our Parents and Friends’ Association. I do hope that you will continue to support them at future events (in particular I wish everyone well for the Ladies’ High Tea at Overnewton Castle tomorrow which I am sure will be another excellent event).Jury Duty
As some of you may be aware I was called for jury duty earlier this year which I was happily able to defer. When called again in October I applied to be excused but this was not permitted. I was however able to defer my jury duty until this week. When I went to court on Tuesday I was empanelled on a jury for a civil trial which is expected to run for approximately 10 days. I will therefore be attending court between 10am and 4.30pm each week day until further notice. I will, however, be at school in the mornings and for any evening meetings or appointments. If you need to see me or make contact, please go through the usual channels at the School and they will endeavour to make this happen!
I am finding that the jury experience is giving me an excellent opportunity to better understand my world and my capacity to shape it! A quality that we like to foster in the girls! It is interesting to reflect on civic duty and the whole process of justice in a trial by one’s peers at first hand.
Despite my commitments at the Supreme Court, I have enjoyed spending some time with the Year 10s at their camp in Geelong this week, and I know that the Year 8s are close by in the city enjoying the activities of their Writers’ Camp. I trust that I will see many of you at the special events and assemblies which are taking place next week as we move towards the final weeks of the year.
Given jury commitments it is unlikely that Coffee, Cake and Conversation with me next Friday 28 November, will in fact go ahead, however, I will be able to confirm this in next week’s Bulletin.
Thank you all for your ongoing support and understanding.