​International Women’s Day 2017 started with a flying start this year with the Senior School girls listening to Dr Leila Alem, a leader in the field of artificial intelligence and ICT innovation in their assembly. Dr Alem inspired the girls to follow their dreams and inspired many of them through the sharing of her own journey.

Thank you to all the parents who attended our annual Parent Welcome Evening, particularly those new to the School; it was lovely to see you all there. Thank you to the members of the Parents and Friends’ Association

House spirit has soared this week at Lowther Hall with the Junior School students in Years 4 to 6 participating enthusiastically in their House Swimming Carnival today. It was wonderful to see so many parents supporting this event.

​It has been wonderful to have been able to connect with many parents over the last 10 days – at Information Evenings, Commencement Services and special events. The feedback that I receive from parents is very valuable in continuing to ensure that we provide the very best educational service to our girls and families.

It is only the second day of term and already there is so much to celebrate and reflect on at Lowther Hall! I enjoyed reconnecting with many families yesterday morning at the front of the School, where our Senior School Captains had set up a very festive entry point adorned with balloons!

I am certain that all who attended St Paul’s Cathedral for our annual Carols Service last night will agree that it was one of the best! The girls, as always, made me incredibly proud as they lifted their voices together in song with great enthusiasm. An enormous thank you to everyone who contributed to the service, particularly our Director of Choral and Voice, Ms Joanne Carroll.​

​Thank you to everyone who made last Friday’s Twilight Festival such a wonderful success! In particular I would like to acknowledge the work of Festival Coordinator and PFA Vice President, Mrs Catriona Minney, whose vision, energy and incredible amount of work, was instrumental in bringing about such a fantastic event.

Junior School Production, Twilight Festival and Vale Fred Hyde: Congratulations to the cast and crew of the Junior School Production, The Little Mermaid, who thrilled us with their colourful and polished performances last weekend.

​On Saturday 5 November, after months of rehearsals and preparation, our Years 4 to 6 students will perform in our Junior School Production of The Little Mermaid. For some girls, it will be their first time performing on stage on front of a real audience and we wish them, and indeed all the girls, well as they enjoy this foray into show business!