​This week we bid our final farewell to the Class of 2016. We have recognised them at formal assemblies, watched them toss their hats off the Mansion and been moved at their Valedictory service yesterday afternoon as they left the Cultural Centre symbolically carrying their light out into the world, ready to shine.

​Rituals are a helpful way to make meaning and to demonstrate our values in a formal way and at this time of year, as we prepare for our Year 12 students to finish, head into the end of the academic semester and begin to elect leaders for 2017, rituals abound!

​It is always especially delightful to return home when you have been away, and this has been my experience returning to Lowther Hall this term after visiting our sister school in Japan during the September break. I was privileged to travel with Ms Tracy Healy to join the Senior School study tour

​Congratulations to all involved in this week’s Annual Music Concert at the Recital Centre. I was immensely proud of the girls for their fine performances – a reflection of the hard work and dedication that they bring to their individual music learning and the commitment they have to the ensembles in which they participate.

Lowther Hall Facebook page: The School recognises the importance of social media tools as a mechanism for members of the School Community and the greater public to engage and share information on the School and its related activities or achievements.

​Twilight Festival Raffle: We are fortunate at Lowther Hall to be supported by an active and vibrant Parents and Friends’ Association whose members work hard to support our school. As you would be aware, preparations are well underway for this year’s Twilight Festival and we have already had many wonderful donations and volunteers come forward to assist.

At Lowther Hall the physical, emotional and social safety of our girls is vitally important to everyone. We have policies and practices in place which support our commitment to child safety and also foster a culture which seeks to be proactive in creating a secure environment for the students, for example, our recruitment practices, OH & S requirements and mandatory reporting policies.

Congratulations to all of our 2017 Prefects. We wish them well as they undertake their leadership positions next year. I commend all girls who took the considered risk of putting themselves forward for leadership positions. The new Prefect Body will formally take up their roles in Term 4 following their commissioning.

Congratulations to the Girls’ Voices of the Cathedral Choir for their historic debut, singing Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral Wednesday night. It was wonderful to have so many members of the School community supporting the girls