At our whole school assembly on Tuesday I spent some time exploring with the girls the meaning of our School motto, non nobis solum (not for ourselves alone) and helping them to think about what it might mean for them in terms of their learning, their social interactions and their participation in sport. In terms of learning, I spoke about the difference between an environment where the emphasis is on the individual being most successful and one where everyone is concerned with all students learning as much as they can. We have some good evidence that in VCE our most successful cohorts are those who support each other and work together, rather than seeing Year 12 as a competition with one another. I encouraged each girl to consider the way in which she might try to live out our motto during Term 2.

On Wednesday in the Senior School Assembly, our Deputy Principal, Ms Healy, reminded the girls of the ways in which our House Athletics Carnival embodies a spirit of collaboration and inclusion as well. She reminded the students that this is not an event for elite athletes, but rather one where everyone can be involved and have a go. This year for the first time, multi-class events are being included in the program with a 100 metre wheelchair race for girls in Years 7 and 8. In assembly, Year 7 student, Laura Davoli spoke about her experiences as a wheelchair athlete and encouraged her peers to participate alongside her. I certainly look forward to seeing every Senior School student in attendance at the House Athletics Carnival this year.