
To submit an enrolment application for your daughter please:

  1. Complete the Application for Admission. (Please note that signatures are required in two places on this form).
  2. View the Fee Schedule.
  3. View the Enrolment Terms and Conditions
  4. View the Enrolment Policy
  5. View the Schedule of Educational Services
  6. Print and send the completed form to the School by mail or deliver in person to the School's Business Office (COVID-19 government restrictions permitting). Alternatively, please email the entire completed document  to admissions@lowtherhall.vic.edu.au.
  7. If you would like a prospectus to be mailed to you then please contact us on +61 3 9325 5000 or admissions@lowtherhall.vic.edu.au and provide us with your mailing address (an application form is included in this pack).


Visit our School to learn about the journey at Lowther Hall! We hold individual tours at any time of the year, as well as a number of Open Mornings. Tour Information.

Entry Policy 

The School has an open admissions policy where priority is given to siblings of students already enrolled at the school. Daughters and granddaughters of past students also receive priority, as do girls who are members of an Anglican parish. At Kindergarten level entry preference is given to those students who expect to continue at the School during primary and secondary years. Priority is otherwise in chronological order of application to the School.

Each prospective student will be interviewed by the Principal, or her representative, prior to enrolment.

Main entry points are: 4 year old Kindergarten, Prep, Year 4 and Year 7 (due to demand, there will be an additional class of girls enrolled for Year 5 2026). Entry is possible at other levels if there are vacancies.


On acceptance by a parent/guardian of the offer of a place at the School, a non-refundable enrolment fee of $2,000 per student is payable to secure enrolment. Enrolment is conditional on payment of the Enrolment Fee for each student.

Contact us

Enrolment or School Tour enquiries can be directed to the Director of Admissions on  +61 3 9325 5000 or admissions@lowtherhall.vic.edu.au

our kindergarten awarded highest rating by the Department of education