First aid
The physical wellbeing of our students is critical to their ability to learn and thrive.
Students with isolated or ongoing medical issues can be assisted and cared for in Lowther Hall’s Health Centre which is open every school day from 8.15am – 4.15pm.
Students presenting to the Health Centre are assessed by the School Nurse, and may receive treatment if necessary and appropriate. If a student is unwell or requires further treatment, her parents are contacted and asked to collect her. In the event of a medical emergency, an ambulance will be called. Lowther Hall has its own defibrillator machine for use in the case of sudden cardiac arrest before an ambulance arrives.
Asthma and allergies
Every Lowther Hall staff member receives annual training in asthma and anaphylaxis. All students with asthma or anaphylaxis have their individual response plans prominently displayed in relevant locations. Medications such as Epipens are readily accessible by all staff.