I am delighted to be joining the Lowther Hall community this year as Chaplain to the School. I am an Anglican Priest, ordained in 2013. Since my ordination I have worked in Anglican parishes in Camberwell and Brighton, often involved in the pastoral care and visiting programmes of the parishes. As School Chaplain, I am a pastoral support to all students and staff. I lead our Chapel worship in partnership with the Faith and Worship Prefect and Junior School Faith and Worship Captains, and lead occasional lunchtime services for staff and students. One of our Qualities of a Lowther Hall Girl is: She has a clear set of values that she can articulately communicate and apply to her life. As the Chaplain, I hope to help the girls and young women of Lowther Hall on this journey of discovery and invite them to learn more about God and themselves – finding those values by which they will shape their lives and their actions, offering my Christian faith as an example to them. I offer them the opportunity to undertake their own spiritual journey, wherever it may take them, with my full support and encouragement.