​How quickly Term 1 has gone by! Last Friday it was wonderful to join the Junior School girls at their House Athletics Carnival and to observe the high levels of participation and enthusiasm shown by all! Thank you to the staff and parent helpers who facilitated this day for our girls

Congratulations to Maddison Caulfield and Caroline Higham who have recently become National Champions in their respective events at the 2015 National Track and Field Championships in Sydney.

I am sure that those of you who attended the Autumn Band Festival last night will agree that it was a fantastic concert with many highlights. All ensembles have obviously been working very hard during their short 6 weeks of rehearsals to bring us many toe tapping items as well as some more reflective, poignant moments.

I am writing this week from Sydney, where Ms Tracy Healy (Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School) and I are attending the “Future Schools” Conference. It has been stimulating to hear from international speakers about the various challenges that schools will face as we move into the future.

​It was great to see the many parents at the welcome evening last Friday night who took the opportunity to greet one another, speak to staff and make themselves known to the Year Level Representatives.

2015 marks 100 years since the landings at Gallipoli in World War I. Lowther Hall would like to commemorate this milestone by asking our School Community to share with us any family connection with WWI....

This week in Senior School I have enjoyed hearing the girls rehearsing their songs and scripts for the forthcoming House Performing Arts Competition in March. It is gratifying to watch girls across all year levels working together with focus and supporting their student leaders in the lead up to this event.