Junior School

Lowther Hall’s Junior School provides an engaging and supportive learning environment for around 320 girls from Kindergarten through to Year 6. Across our Junior School, every child is known, cared for and encouraged to do her best. Our Junior School students enjoy the benefits of easy access to Senior School facilities and feel part of the whole School community.


Across these early years, tapping into students’ natural curiosity and enthusiasm for learning is complemented by a strong focus on foundational skills in literacy and numeracy. 

Years 2 - 6

Students in Years 2 – 6 learn in spaces that support the delivery of a dynamic curriculum and promote the development of the Qualities of the Lowther Hall Girl.


Parents are active partners in Junior School and work with staff to support their daughters in learning. Parents also come together for sharing of ideas and to support each other and the broader Lowther Hall community.

Read about Our Learning in Junior School...