​Despite the cold weather, there has been plenty to celebrate this week at School – from the wonderful performances of the VCE Music students at their recital last night, to the impressive spelling efforts of the Junior School girls last week at the House Spelling Bee!

I am sure that everyone who attended the Evening of Song on Monday night will agree that it was a great success! The girls and staff are to be commended for the outstanding level of performance and the professional presentation of the event.

​I’m sure that many of you have been interested to follow the recent (and continuing) media discussion regarding private and public schooling. I have been shocked by some of the broad (and often uninformed) generalisations that have been made about private school students and indeed about private schools.

I’m sure that those of you who were in the audience for our Senior School production of The School for Scandal last Friday and Saturday will agree that it was wonderful show—a visual spectacle with a wide array of costumes, colourful lighting and an exciting dance scene.

Thank you to the members of our School Community who braved the cold (and a little bit of rain) to take part in our ANZAC Day Dawn Service last Saturday. It was moving to hear from girls who have a family connection to WWI and to commemorate the sacrifice of so many.

You may have noticed the French flag flying at the front of the School this week, alongside the New Zealand and Australian flags. This is in recognition of the fact that we are currently hosting our visitors from La Malgrange – our sister school in Nancy, France.

Welcome Back! As always it has been lovely to see all our staff, girls and families again as we commence Term 2. Yesterday I enjoyed hearing the Senior School girls cheer loudly as they participated in their House Athletics Carnival. It was a great day.

​How quickly Term 1 has gone by! Last Friday it was wonderful to join the Junior School girls at their House Athletics Carnival and to observe the high levels of participation and enthusiasm shown by all! Thank you to the staff and parent helpers who facilitated this day for our girls

I am sure that those of you who attended the Autumn Band Festival last night will agree that it was a fantastic concert with many highlights. All ensembles have obviously been working very hard during their short 6 weeks of rehearsals to bring us many toe tapping items as well as some more reflective, poignant moments.