I am excited to be heading down to Geelong today to cheer on our Senior School Rowing Squad at the Head of the Schoolgirls Rowing Regatta! Rowing is just one of the many cocurricular activities that are well underway this year, with girls passionately pursuing a variety of sports, musical endeavours, debating, chess and public speaking.

​In celebration of International Women’s Day I was delighted to be able to join with more than 200 members of the School Community for the annual Lowther Women Lunch on Thursday this week, where past and present students, staff, parents, board members, donors and friends of the School enjoyed a two course meal and a wonderful presentation by a panel of Lowther Women addressing the theme of “Balance for Better”.

​It has been another busy week at Lowther Hall. In Senior School the girls are rehearsing for the forthcoming House Performing Arts Competition and every day we see and hear the rehearsals and observe the increasing confidence and cohesion in the dances, acting and singing!

​It has been wonderful to have had so many opportunities to connect with our community during the last week. I was inspired by our student leaders on Tuesday when the Year 12 Prefects and Captains ran activities for the Year 6 leaders.

It is always delightful to see our students return for a new school year! At the Years 1 to 12 assembly on Wednesday we had the opportunity to welcome our many new students and new staff and to present them with a Lowther Hall Teddy Bear as a sign of connection to our community.

​The Lowther Hall VCE results for 2018 are excellent and reflect the hard work and dedication of both students and teachers. 26 percent of the Year 12 cohort scored and ATAR (Australian Tertiary Entrance Rank) of 95 or above, placing them in the top 5 percent of the nation.